Blog Archives

renovations in Frankston South

Renovations in Frankston South: why NOW is the time to renovate?


Right now is simply the best time to renovate or extend your home- indeed recent research has found that the number of renovations in Frankston South and nearby suburbs has skyrocketed and with good reason. If you live in the area you have probably noticed how many homes in Frankston South are up for sale,

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home building quotes

Home building quotes. 8 reasons why the cheapest may be too good to be true!


If you’ve just embarked on the search for a custom home builder and are getting home building quotes from a few selected builders, you may be a little surprised when you see how variable the pricing is. I have seen so many examples of this and I understand how confusing this can be for homeowners.

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custom home design

Custom design home advice to get you started (Part 2)


Perhaps you have read Part 1 of this series on custom design home advice and you feel really well equipped to move on to the next stage and get down to the finer design details. However if you find the entire process a bit overwhelming, don’t let it hold you back! We have seen families

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custom design home

Custom design home- advice to get you started (Part 1)


There is nothing quite like the feeling of living in a custom design home, a home that you have designed precisely to match your lifestyle and particular family needs. Armed with the correct information and the right professional help, your perfectly designed custom dream home is well within the reach of many second and third

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home security by guard dogs

House Designs for acreage. Home Security tips that could save you more than money!


Regardless of where your home is located, one of its main purposes is to protect your family and valuable possessions. Whilst the acreage lifestyle is often desirable by families, one of the most overlooked issues facing house designs for acreage blocks is home security. It is an unfortunate fact that an acreage home is much

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new home building contract

How secure is your fixed price building contract?


A building contract for a new home, home extension or renovation is a very large document, its wording is complex, and it contains so many details that unless you are a legal wiz; reading it could well make your head spin! I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that you should check a fixed

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Acreage homes builders-all about tanks


Water tanks for irrigation by acreage homes builders   It happens every summer in Melbourne as the weather heats up and our rainfall becomes inadequate, it’s definitely time to start watering our gardens. Of course in times of drought this is often restricted unless you have invested in water tanks. And with the time and

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an honest builder

An honest builder the Google search that found us


Looking for an honest builder   This is a true story. A couple of years ago we received a phone call from a man who had gotten himself into what we call a ‘building nightmare’. As a result he was extremely disillusioned about the building industry and builders in particular, hence the Google search he keyed

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professional home builder assistance

Professional home builder or owner builder-what is best for my project?


So you’ve watched ‘The Block’ and now you’re inspired to renovate your home or maybe you even want to start afresh and build a new home. The ideas are flowing fast and you are excited and motivated to get started.   The 4 types of people who should never be “Owner-Builders”   Maybe you are

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heat proof your home

5 Passive Home Design Facts You Need to Know


As the heat of summer is almost upon us, it’s a good time to look at how you can ensure your home will remain comfortable throughout the hottest months of the year. After all there is no point having the most beautiful house in the street, if it is hell for your family to live

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